Jonathan Keezing



Jelly Jar

Blue House Cafe

147 Main Street

Haydenville, MA


7:00 pm.

Solo, songs and Taptouch.  Donation

Solo/ taptouch
Zen garage
Passion Records
Keezing Florio

“Will play for food” series

Amherst Winter Market. (morning shows)

• 12/10 A farmers market at the Amherst MA Middle School

• 1/07 Back to the market!


Blue House Cafe

147 Main Street

Haydenville, MA

FRIDAY:  01/27/12

7:00 pm.

With my new trio!

With Ron Cummings, bass

ans Malcolm Braverman, drums

Feb News

“TIME IS FICTION” is now up and running! The Trio: Ron Cummings on bass, Malcolm Braverman on drums and Myself can be heard viewed here!  Band bio info is here.