Selections from “Cloud Songs”

Keezing, Florio  

Spontaneous Compositions for Acoustic and Electric guitar  

Jonathan Keezing and Chris Florio’s improvisations are grounded in twenty + years of collaboration. The tow intuitively blend classical, rock, jazz, and a veritable smorgasborg of styes to create unique and singular pieces in every KF session. Their music is born of a well practiced practice (with repetitious repetitions!) of reaching for kismit and a wealth of shared experience

Keezing Florio have released  two CD’s “All Rivers Run to Rain” (acoustic duets) and “Cloud Songs” (electric duets) on Passion Records.

An online pandemic session. Not in the same room…. but…. in the zone!


A studio session which was released as “My Brother Is In The Clouds on “CloudSongs”.